Pleasant Pieces 10
Text Inside this Production

{||||||| THE SPECIAL BROTHERS |||||||}
~      - PLEASANT PIECES #010 -      ~
_|||||||| packed by REBEL MC ||||||||`
~ REFLECTORS - BBS INTRO           ~
~ BALANCE - BOREDOME               ~
~ AMAZE - DISKTRASH #3             ~
~                                      ~
~    Left MB - DiskBack-Service Info   ~
  Yo Raps! Here is some info about the  
    DiskBack-Service I can offer you    
~  If you want your production spread  ~
~ through my pax you can send it to me ~
~  so I can put it on my latest pack.  ~
~ If the pack is released you get your ~
~  disk back with the pack on it. But  ~
~    add the word DiskBack-Service!    ~
~ADDY:  PLK 045378 D  4708 KAMEN 5  FRG~

Alive and kicking... Rebel MC of The Special Brothers hits ya with a new pack from the Pleasant Pieces series. This is 
issue #010. Spread it or fuck on it. I wanna thank all the people who voted the TSB pax to the top in DiskTrash #3. Now 
I wanna greet sum persons... Murdog  and  Spy / Mexx - Slick / Design - Steff / Shining 8 - Dynac / Silents - Bootbuster
, Acrid  and  Flexible / Contrast - Ascender / Reality - Daddy O  and  Death Angel / Amaze - Navy / Vanish - 
Cooper / Paranoid - Killraven / Deffpaccers - Secret, Crown, Leo II  and  Excalibur / The Dark Demon - Dr. No / Subzero 
- Mr. Keel / Devils - Deicide  and  The Undertaker / LSD - Bros / Cytax - Willow / The Risk Inc. - Slaughter / Tech - 
Dr. Mastermind / Laser Dance - Mac Strick  and  Leon / Zenith - Sledge / Vega - Toxic / Starlight - Krs One  and  
Crazy Slime / Armageddon - Lance / Decade - Frostie / Reflectors - Mr. Hell - Cardinal  and  Art / Awake - Leander - 
Alien / Acume - Lord Incognito - Tail  and  Flatus / Hypnotic - Shocker / Origin - Cruiser / Majic 12 - Pink Bubble / Xenox 
- Daze / Desire - Bross / Willow - Skyfox / Beyond - Mase / Ram Jam - Trigon / Emotion. Special greetinx fly to all TSB 
members. That was all for now because I wanna fuck the keys now...                           Text restarts