Multiscroll Intro
Text Inside this Production

scroll 1 :  hi folks   there are so many scrollers in this mega giga demo that i had to number them so you will be able to count them   if you cannot count i will tell you the answer   there are eight of them   maybe you have seen more scrollers in other demos but were they this big and did they have so many colours   i never did   well this will be all text for this scroll   only seven to go   signed  +++ gms +++                                          

          scroll 2 :  well as you can see i am the second scroll and this one will contain the memberlist from manowar at this very moment   it also tells you what each member does to be in this giga group   so here we go :   + gms + does coding , + dsc + does coding , + aragorn + does coding , + savage + does graphics,music and swapping , + tob + does coding , + black panter + does swapping , + the loverboy + does swapping and coding , + ecs + does coding , + sir + does graphics .................. as you can see manowar is a powerfull group   this will be it for now    only six scrollers to type   there is a progress      byebyebye                                              

          scroll 3 :  holy shit   i knew it would happen i +gms+ do know how to code eight scrollers but i cannot fill them all with text but thanxxx god there are some other members of +++manowar+++ who will help me with my problems so please read another scrollie because this scroll is not interesting enough to keep you awake                                 

        scroll 4 :  i am a lazy scroll so i think nobody will ever read me except very lame guyz because they cannot think fast enough to follow the other scrollers    here we go again :

                                        scroll 5 :  hi there! gms asked me +aragorn+ to talk some smooth talk in this intro, so here i am, talking bullshit. first a few personal greetings to caspar and rene: hi guys! and now to the rest of the audience: hello! +i told you this was bullshit+ you have probaly never seen any of my demos, because i have made only one up to now! and that one wasn't for manowar...but... every demo gms made, has some lines of code made by me! for example... the scrolls you look at right now... the main routine was coded by me! it uses the blitter  gms did not know how to control that marvellous piece of hardware, he came to me, and now he knows... partly.    well, let me see, what else shall i tell you... well, at the moment, i am trying to tame a pc +gms hates that word, and everything around it!+ and i am working at some usefull programs for the amiga, like a speeddos +used in the manowar demo disks+ and i have just finished a utilities disk. if you have some usefull new utilities +eg. copiers, crunchers, viruskillers+, send them to manowar headquarters +you will find the adress in another demo+ and i will use them in the next manowar super utilities disk!        bye for now!!!                               

                                                                                                    scroll 6 :  well after you have read all that crap please tell me honestly what you really think of this demo   i personally think that it looks great but who am i   that is the question   but their is no response   too bad   but you will find my name in another scroll   who is interested i mean   jezus what a bull shit  i really do not think that you  yes you  can do better after an half hour of typing bull shit   by the way   this is scroll number six or 6 whatever you like to read   that means that i only have to fill two or 2 scollers more   please help me out                                               

                                    scroll 7 :  aaaaaaargh i am tired of typing these scollers   this scroll was planned to be a greetings list but i + gms + do not have the full greetings list    i even do not have a greetings list at all so i will only greet the guys which i know by heart so here they go ..... the mega magnificent manowar hiiiiiis are flying in non order at all to : + byterapers +   + vision +   + powerslaves +   + dse crew +   + dos 88 +   + jvn soft + for loaning his half megabyte thanxxx   and all the others i cannot remember    sorry guys i promise i will make a greetings list soon      wow.....again a scroll finished    i really believe i am going to make it   .............                               

                                                                                         scroll 8 :  hi there this is just another perfect scroll in this demo and gms asked me if i would be so friendly to write one cos gms was so stupid to code 8 scrollers to fill with text. thanxxx gms  first i will tell you a story about savage our pixler. i cycled to his home this morning and rang the doorbell. savage opened the door and he looked as if he was just able to recognize me. what are friends for. i entered his home and we entered the kitchen. what a mess i said. what happened here then he told me the adventure which he lived through last night. he had a little party with some assholes of his neighbourhood. he started with a bottle of vodka 35 percent ............. in the end he could not remember anything about his last drink that night. do not ask me how he climb up to his room if he did. at the moment savage is reading a comic or he has fallen asleep behind it cos he is very...very quite....that is nothing like him. hi savage still feeling sick about all those drinks the other night. i do not know if it is good for your health drinking beer,vodka,rum,juice and coke in one glass i suppose it is cos he is still alive.......i hope. however if not then here is our advertisement for a new pixler   hehehehe.   do not take is personal savage. enough shit,crap for today byebye................ .  .   .     .