Master Of Puppets 3
Text Inside this Production

blind guard's greets fly out to folloing persons (no special order)....         Talent (Android), The Wave (Blaster), Virtual Dreams of Fairlight (D-Mage), TDD (Dire, The Trooper), Trance (The Collector, Serval), Phoenix, TEK (Siriax), Nuance (MAD), 4-Ward (E-G), 5th Generation (YoYo), Intense (ADEC), Isch Crew (Maxi Swapper), Dual4Mat (MFM), Dark Star (AlBundy), Diffusion (Fear), S!P (Messerschmitt), mystic (Deathlord), Last Aid (Adderly, Rave), impact (Cockroach), desire (Chaos), Compact Inc. (Zenit), Leader Prod. (Suhu), Recall (Doc), Eskimos (Major Bandit), Nova (Corel), Desert (Highlander), Damage (Dozig), Nihondreamers (Dyze), Remedy (Creeps), Legend (Sentinel), Star Rom (TC Boss), Principes (Tiger, Mic), trsi (501), Headway (Dylance), Savage (mdb), The Magic Guild (King Arthur), disaster (christine dela queen), Infect (nike), Mad Elks of mystic (Kopara)  and folloing Indipendents (Twilight Zone, Sir Jinx)                                                           THE BATTLE RAGES - CHOOSE YOUR SIDE!         MASTER OF PUPPETS                       issue =§               ____________________________________           intro section            ____________________________________BIRTHDAYPARTYINTRO by romantic MELON          MIAU! by WIZZCAT                 NEWSTRO by INTERACTIVE         MINIINTRO by RADICAL CAN KILLERS            BBSTRO by FRANTIC             CHIT CHAT 10 INTRO by MIRAGE              !!! SHOW ALL !!!          ____________________________________            text section            ____________________________________               CREDIZ                              MESSYS               ____________________________________             supporters             ____________________________________          RAVE of LAST AID                   DEATHLORD of MYSTIC                                                 MANITOU PROUDLY PRESENTS                                                MASTER OF PUPPETS ISSUE 3                                              LOVE IT OR LEAVE IT SUCKER!                                                                              IF U WANNA SUPPORT THIZ PACK WRITE                TO:                                                             BLIND GUARD of MANITOU                  SINTENBICHL 6                        6600 REUTTE                           AUSTRIA                                                                                        THAT'S ALL FOR NOW! ALL GUYS THAT    GOT A LETTER AND A DISK FROM ME,   AND DID NOT ANSWER: ANSWER SOON OR     I WILL CASTRATE U, HEHEHEH!      THE BATTLE RAGES - CHOOSE UR SIDE!!                                                                                                                         the crediz                         ____________             packing by             BLIND GUARD  &(=xx arrangement by           PRO  visuals performed by         GOLMO  music by          DALOS of ESKIMOS                                                                         here are sum messys from BLIND GUARD      to his cewlß contacts |||     ____________________________________                                    BLASTER of THE WAVE                 ___________________                 you send really fast - keep that up|D-MAGE of VD                        ____________                        send faster| if u want your productsspread i must have em earlier ||                                        DIRE of TDD                         ___________                         gruesse an anni| cu in koelle|      THE COLLECTOR of TRANCE             _______________________             thnx for the good hints ||                                              TWILIGHT ZONE                       _____________                       hope dein urlaub war toll| haste einpaar tolle tussis geknallt ß        PHOENIX                             _______                             hope to hear from u soon|  next timecomething completely different |                                        MAD of NUANCE                       _____________                       schick mal oefter was |             SIRIAX of TEK                       _____________                       na unser pack is wohl etwas besser  als dein alter ||                                                       ESG/4-WARD                          __________                          keep up fast and good sendings |    YOYO/5TH GENERATION                 ___________________                 lange nichts von dia gehoert |                                          ADEC of INTENSE                     _______________                     hope u like thiz pack |ß                                                MAXI SWAPPER of ISCH CREW           _________________________           send your new packseries if u will  release one ||                                                          MFM of DUAL4MAT                     _______________                     cewl diskmag | where are the news ß AlBUNDY of DARKSTAR                 ___________________                 lange nichts gehoert  wohl in urlaubgewesen ß                                                               FEAR of DIFFUSION                   _________________                   nice signature|  fantasy wars rulez|SERVAL of TRANCE                    ________________                    sorry but my soundmachine is damagedcassette next time|                                                     MESSERSCHMITT of S!P                ____________________                hope to hear sumthin from u soon || keep up the good quality sendinx |  DEATHLORD of MYSTIC                 ___________________                 tnxs for greaat support||| keep thizup m( |                                                                 RAVE of LAST AID                    ________________                    golmo wants no single swappers|     CHAOS of DESIRE                     _______________                     deine handschrift wird immer unleserlicher | es ist halt so |                                               COCKROCH of IMPACT                  __________________                  dein foto kommt in die gallery ||   ZENIT of COMPACT                    ________________                    ok for your article| fuck CHIT CH..                                     SUHU od LEADER PRODUCTIONS          __________________________          here it is - our packseries.        hope i was fast enough ß|ß          DOC of RECALL                       _____________                       back aus dem urlaub ß|ß             oder wo warste sonst ß                                                  MAJOR B. of ESKIMOS                 ___________________                 tnxs for the nice chiptune|         COREL of NOVA                       _____________                       have much fun in the army |                                             HIGHLANDER of DESERT                ____________________                when is tekkno trax @ comin up ß                                        ADDERLY of LAST AID                 ___________________                 hope u like our cool crew |                                             CREEPS of REMEDY                    ________________                    wie war die paddy ß                                                     DYZE of NIHON DREAMERS              ______________________              hope to see hol/$= soon |                                               THE TROOPER of ???                  __________________                  schick mal ne track list der letzten@ cc scheiben |                     SENTINEL of LEGEND                  __________________                  i will collect sum money for you    poor cowboy |||                                                         TC BOSSof STAR ROM                  __________________                  @= disx ß    Was meinste zu ¹= ßßß  TIGER of PRINCIPES                  __________________                  thnx for sending | next time % disxß                                    SIR JINX of ???                     _______________                     send contax list||||                                                    DOZIG of DAMAGE                     _______________                     really fast |     i send you our newproduct     if you spread it as fastas i do - saddam hussein will soon  support thiz pack with his latest   iraq-intros