
Dynamic Duo

About Dynamic Duo

The group was mainly active on C64 and converted one of its intros on Amiga. Rob joined HQC and The Champs before becoming the famous cracker of Quartex. Sadly The Executor founded the software distribution company Dynatex (litterally DYNAmic Duo+quarTEX) but finally died in a car accident.

Jobs in Releases

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showing 1 matches from 101534 total entries
Title Group Category Year
downloadHyper Sports - ImportDynamic Duo
Crack Intro, Import Intro
added 6/13

Members and Subgroups of Dynamic Duo

Subgroup NameTask(s)Known as Subgroup in Year(s)Countries
Member NameTask(s)Known as Member in YearCountry
AMAdeusMusic Artist, Texter1986-1987 Germany
DragoTexter1986-1987 Germany
RobCoder, Graphics Artist, Coder C64, Cracker1985-1990 Germany
The ExecutorGraphics Artist, Spreader, Organizer1985-1988 Germany