Coder, Music Artist, Graphics Artist
- Known as active in 1991
- Country: Sweden
- Known as: Jac64 (in 1991), Jac 64 (in 1991), Jac (in 1991)
- Known as member of Argon in 1991, Paralax Systems in 1991
- Also with this name: Jac (Addonic, Pirates, Hysteria/Junkyard) (SE), Jac (World Vision) (SE)
Jobs in Releases
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Releases that mention this Person as a Member
As Member of Paralax Systems | Category | Author | Year |
Intro | Paralax Systems Ale - Hitler - Paco | 2/91 added 12/06 |
As Member of Argon | Category | Author | Year |
Intro | Argon Jac - Jmh - Krypt | a7/91 added 9/17 |