Music Artist, Texter, Graphics Artist
Jobs in Releases
showing 2 matches from 102345 total entries |
Title | Group | Category | Year |
Paradox | 40k Intro | 12/93 added 3/96 | |
Skid Row & The Frog Buds | Intro | cc93 added 8/17 |
Releases that mention this Person as a Member
As Member of Angels | Category | Author | Year |
Trackmo | Angels B52 - Cpt - Halfast - ... | 10/93 added 7/97 |
As Member of Fisc | Category | Author | Year |
Intro | Fisc B52 - Cpt - Halfast - ... | 93 added 7/08 |
As Member of Hysteria | Category | Author | Year |
Packdisk | Hysteria Belzebuth - Cpt | a91 added 11/11 |