
Music Artist, Texter

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Interviews with Brainbug

Interview found inTypeAuthorYear
downloads42 2Diskmagazine
Boo - Chorus - Cindy - ...
added 2/95

Interview Text

An interview with
Brainbug of Alcatraz

Interviewed by El Loco/Talent

   One  of Norway's best, still rather
unknown   musicians,  is  Brainbug  of
Alcatraz  and  Banana Dezigns.  42 got
him  under it's spotlight, in order to
inquire  some  questions regarding his
choice   of   groups,  his  music  and
life/the scene in general.

   How  come  such  an active and very
talented  musician  like yourself stay
åin   a   rather  unactive  group  like
Alcatraz?   Afterall,  there  are ages
since we'
... read more

Releases that mention this Person as a Member

As Member of AlcatrazCategoryAuthorYear
downloadMemberlist IntroIntro
Anex - Control - Head - ...