
Texter, Sysop, Original Supplier

Jobs in Releases

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showing 2 matches from 101515 total entries
Title Group Category Year
downloadB.C. Kid - Preview
on AmiExpo Köln 92

Job: Supply
Crack Inc.
Crack Intro
added 3/96
downloadBeast Busters
Job: Supply
Skid Row
Crack Intro
has effects - in family
added 7/08

Interviews with Selim

Interview found inTypeAuthorYear
downloadHack-Mag 7Diskmagazine
Advance - Agent - Arrakis - ...

Interview Text

Interview with Selim&Rudi/Skid Row
Done by: Charly&Dave/D-TECT

You  all know Selim & Rudi, they supply
the  most  of the originals of the Skid
Row cracks.
In  the  last time they were members of
three big cracker groups:  Quartex, The
Company and today they are in Skid Row.
Building on these  facts  we made  this
interview with them:

?: How  old are you and  what are  your
   real names?
!: We are both  21, and  our real names
   are Selim & Rudi. (Ed. ???)

?: Do you work or still go to 
... read more
Interview found inTypeAuthorYear
downloadsTop Secret 14Diskmagazine
Majic 12
Agony - Avantage - Avatar - ...
added 7/96