
Modem Trader

  • Known as active in 1992
  • Country: Germany
  • Known as member of Apex in 1990, Untouchables in 1991, Animators in 1992
  • Also with this name: Yeggman (Northern Trading Association)

Jobs in Releases

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Interviews with Yeggman

Interview found inTypeAuthorYear
downloadJolly Roger 5Diskmagazine
911 - C. Dawn - Dragon Fly - ...
added 2/95

Interview Text

          Interview with              
       Yeggman of Untouchables        
JR:Tell us your Pseudo/Group/Function.
YU:Ok, let>s  start !  I>m  Yeggman of
   Untouchables and with  MXP the last
   mailtrader of my group.            
JR:Do you think that the Amigascene is
   your sense of life ?               
YU:No ! I>m just in the  Amigascene to
   have fun, but  remember that  there
   are much other things to have fun. 
JR:Who is  the  coolest  letterw
... read more

Releases that mention this Person as a Member

As Member of AnimatorsCategoryAuthorYear
downloadsRoll Or DieGame
Chris - Hammerhead - Jeff - ...
added 3/97