Graphics Artist
- Known as active in 1992
- Country: Norway
- Known as member of Byte Busters in 1992, Paragon in 1992
- Also with this name: Cooper (Cult, Symbiosis, Unlimited, Amaze) (DE), Cooper (Ethic), Cooper (Paranoid) (DE), Cooper (Appendix, Phase Truce, Erotic Design, Absurd, Inferno, Bad Zone, Friends Zone) (PL), Cooper (Elicma), Cooper (Anathema, Delite, Casyopea) (PL), Cooper (Anarchy Pc), Cooper (Throne) (HR), Cooper (Dual Crew) (DE), Cooper, Cooper (Equinox)
Jobs in Releases
showing 6 matches from 102345 total entries |
Title | Group | Category | Year |
Paragon | Demo | 7/92 | |
Paragon | Demo | 4/92 | |
Paragon | Diskmagazine interviews | a4/92 | |
Paragon | Musicdisk has effects | a4/92 added 3/96 | |
Byte Busters | Packdisk | a92 added 2/06 | |
Byte Busters | Packdisk missing | 92 added 2/06 |
Releases that mention this Person as a Member
As Member of Paragon | Category | Author | Year |
Demo | Paragon Black Panther - Cooper - El Loco - ... | 4/92 |
As Member of Byte Busters | Category | Author | Year |
Demo | Byte Busters Dmc - Mercury - Savage - ... | 2/92 added 3/96 |